NKT – NKT is finalizing the power cable contract for the first major offshore wind farm in Poland


NKT will soon sign the order for a 230 kV AC high-voltage export power cable system for the Polish project Baltic Power Offshore Wind Park with a capacity of up to 1.2 GW.


NKT is finalizing the contract for offshore export power cables for the first major offshore wind farms in Poland awarded by Baltic Power Sp. z.o.o. For NKT, the order is expected to have a value of more than EUR 120m (more than EUR 110m in std. metal prices) and will comprise the design and production of approx. 130 km of 230 kV high-voltage power cables for the Baltic Power Offshore Wind Park.

The export power cables will be produced at the NKT factory in Cologne, with expected commissioning of the full project in 2026. The order award will not change the 2023 financial outlook for NKT.

The order is subject to formal contract signature expected end of June 2023 and a subsequent final notice to proceed.


Learn more about the project in a previous announcement from Baltic Power Sp. z.o.o.


EMR Analysis


More information on NKT: See the full profile on EMR Executive Services

More information on Claes Westerlind (President and CEO, NKT): See the full profile on EMR Executive Services


More information on Baltic Power Sp. z.o.o. and the the Polish project Baltic Power Offshore Wind Park: https://www.balticpower.pl/en/ + The Baltic Power offshore wind farm is an essential element of transformation of the ORLEN Group and a milestone in the development of the Polish power sector. As soon as in 2024, we will start the construction of an up to 1.2 GW offshore wind farm, expected to ultimately supply clean electricity to more than 1 ,5 million households in Poland.

The Baltic Power offshore wind farm is a key project for the ORLEN Group and Northland Power, supporting transition towards a clean, low-carbon economy. Renewable energy sources, including offshore wind farms, will be a springboard for our sustainable development in the years to come. Located 23 km to the north of the Polish coastline, on the level of Choczewo and Łeba, Baltic Power is one of the most advanced projects planned in the Polish Exclusive Economic Zone in the Baltic Sea. We hold a licence to construct an up to 1.2 GW wind farm, but its target generation capacity resulting from the selected turbine technology will be 1140 MW.

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