Nestor Cables – We have further reduced the carbon footprint of our production!

In recent years, we have invested in the responsibility and sustainability of our operations. Responsibility and sustainability are important values to us.


One of our goals in terms of responsibility and sustainable development is to reduce the carbon footprint of our production. In this blog post, we tell you how much our carbon footprint has decreased due to the measures we have taken.

We have been monitoring the carbon footprint of our production since 2019 with the help of an external party. Work has been done to reduce the carbon footprint of production, for example by increasing the use of renewable electricity and by acquiring carbon-neutral district heating and electric forklifts. Thanks to these actions, the carbon footprint has been reduced by almost 75% between 2019 and 2022. The latest and greatest cause of positive change is the transition to green district heating.


Measurement results:

2020: 1024.2 t CO2e per year

2021: 662.1 t CO2e per year

2022: 423 t CO2e per year

2023: 258.3 tCO2 per year

In 2022, the biggest source of emissions from our production was waste management. The carbon footprint of waste management can be reduced by reducing the amount of mixed waste, i.e. by increasing recycling. The second largest source of emissions was electricity produced by hydropower, of which only emissions from the production value chain are taken into account. The third largest emission source was diesel, which is used in forklifts in our production. Water supply’s share of emissions was less than 1%.

We continue to direct our operations in an increasingly responsible direction and we are happy about these successful results!

Learn what we’ve done to operate more responsibly!

EMR Analysis


More information on Nestor Cables (Subsidiary of Clearfield Inc. Since July 26, 2022): + Nestor Cables was founded in 2007 by cable technology professionals to preserve the Finnish tradition of producing high-quality cable. Currently we are one of the leading developers and manufacturers of fibre optic cable solutions in the Northern Europe.

Our product range includes fibre optic cables, connectivity accessories for fibre optic networks and instrumentation and copper telecommunication cables. Nestor Optimus is our solution to microduct networks. In addition to our product range we offer our customers reliable and flexible deliveries, quick reaction times and efficiency.

More information on Jarmo Rajala (President & CEO, Nestor Cables): See the full profile on EMR Executive Services

More information on Clearfield Inc.: + Clearfield, Inc. designs, manufactures and distributes fiber optic management products, helping service providers reduce the high costs associated with deploying, managing, protecting and scaling a fiber optic network to deliver the mobile, residential and business services customers want. Based on the patented Clearview® Cassette, our unique single-architected, modular fiber management platform is designed to lower the cost of broadband deployment and maintenance while enabling our customers to scale their operations as their subscriber revenues increase.

More information on Cheri Beranek (President & CEO, Clearfield, Inc.): +



EMR Additional Notes:

  • Carbon Dioxide (CO2):
    • Primary greenhouse gas emitted through human activities. Carbon dioxide enters the atmosphere through burning fossil fuels (coal, natural gas, and oil), solid waste, trees and other biological materials, and also as a result of certain chemical reactions (e.g., manufacture of cement). Carbon dioxide is removed from the atmosphere (or “sequestered”) when it is absorbed by plants as part of the biological carbon cycle.
  • Decarbonization:
    • Reduction of carbon dioxide emissions through the use of low carbon power sources, achieving a lower output of greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere.