Caverion acquires VVS Teknikk Møre AS in Ålesund, West Norway.

Caverion acquires VVS Teknikk Møre AS in Ålesund, West Norway. 


The company employs approximately 35 experts, specialised in ventilation, piping and building automation, serving customers especially in the Sunnmøre region. In 2022, the revenue of VVS Teknikk amounted to approximately EUR 7.8 million. The acquisition will be closed 1 July 2023.

“VVS Teknikk Møre has always been focusing on excellent deliveries to our customers through our skilled employees, and this will be continued and strengthened when we become part of Caverion. We can share resources both locally and nationally and that makes us more flexible in relation to fluctuations in the market,” says Sindre Larsen, CEO, VVS Teknikk Møre.


“Skilled professionals from VVS Teknikk will strengthen our unit in Ålesund. Caverion has ambitions to grow in the area, and now we are increasing our expertise and adding exciting customer relationships. Sunnmøre is an active region with many major projects at the moment for example in commercial buildings, industry and the food segment,” says Knut Gaaserud, Head of Caverion Norway division.


After this acquisition, Caverion’s Sunnmøre unit will have approximately 125 employees. Caverion has delivered various services to projects in the region such as the Norsk Maritime Competence Center building stage 2, the Stella Maris Health Centre and the Thon Hotell Ålesund.


EMR Analysis


More information on Caverion: See the full profile on EMR Executive Services

More information on Mats Paulsson (Chairman of the Board of Directors, Caverion): See the full profile on EMR Executive Services

More information on Knut Gaaserud (Executive Vice President, Caverion Norway): See the full profile on EMR Executive Services


More information on VVS Teknikk Møre AS: + The region’s leading interdisciplinary plumbing contractor. We are 31 employees who work together to be the best interdisciplinary plumbing contractor in Sunnmøre. Our customers are in the professional market within industry, offices, shops, public etc. We work within the four professional areas of Ventilation, Plumbing, Building Automation and ITB in an interdisciplinary way, that is, we sit down in teams to analyze the projects with input from all subjects to see if there are common challenges and solutions that can be coordinated, and not least to map critical interfaces between technical subjects. This is how we want to ensure a holistic approach to the project’s best interests. There are advanced technical systems that are installed in today’s buildings and we see this as the only correct way to work if you are to deliver quality. Our expertise is wide-ranging and ranges from Civil Engineers in plumbing, electrical and construction, plumbers with professional certificates, ventilation fitters with various mechanical and construction training, refrigeration technicians, economists, etc. Our office is centrally located in Breivika in Ålesund. We work in rehabilitation, new construction, service and can deliver: Comfort ventilation, Industrial ventilation, Heat pump, Central heating, Cooling, Sanitary, Sprinklers/Fire extinguishing, Compressed air, Building automation, SD systems etc.

The company employs approximately 35 experts, specialised in ventilation, piping and building automation, serving customers especially in the Sunnmøre region. In 2022, the revenue of VVS Teknikk amounted to approximately EUR 7.8 million.

After this acquisition, Caverion’s Sunnmøre unit will have approximately 125 employees.

More information on Sindre Larsen (CEO, VVS Teknikk Møre):