Ahlsell – Regulatory approvals obtained for the acquisition of Sanistål

On 24 May 2022, Ahlsell Danmark ApS (“Ahlsell”) announced that Ahlsell had entered into conditional share purchase agreements (“Share Purchase Agreements”) with Danske Bank A/S, Nordea Bank Abp, Jyske Bank A/S and Nykredit Bank A/S (the “Major Shareholders”) to acquire approximately 75.49% of the shares in Sanistål A/S (“Sanistål”) at a price of DKK 58 per share. 


In addition, Ahlsell announced that it would make a recommended conditional voluntary public offer (the “Offer”) to purchase the remaining approximately 24.51% of the shares held by all shareholders other than the Major Shareholders (the “Minority Shareholders”) at a price of DKK 85 per share.

The aforementioned acquisitions are conditional upon, inter alia, the Share Purchase Agreements having been completed in accordance with their terms, which is conditional upon all necessary approvals, permits and consents from relevant authorities having been obtained.

Ahlsell has today notified the Major Shareholders and Sanistål that it has received the necessary regulatory approvals to complete the Share Purchase Agreements and that Ahlsell will proceed to close the Share Purchase Agreements as soon as possible. Accordingly, Ahlsell has further notified Sanistål that to its knowledge, all conditions of the Offer are satisfied or are capable of being satisfied upon expiry of the offer period and completion of the Offer.

The offer period expires on 22 December 2022 at 5:00 p.m. (CET).

Further information about the completion of the Share Purchase Agreements and the Offer will be announced in due course by Sanistål via Nasdaq Copenhagen A/S.


EMR Analysis


More information on Ahlsell: See full profile on EMR Executive Services

More information on Claes Seldeby (Group CEO, Ahlsell AB): See the full profile on EMR Executive Services

More information on Ahlsell Danmark ApS: https://www.ahlsell.dk/ + Brief facts about Ahlsell Denmark:

  • Divisions: Ahlsell REF, Ahlsell VVS and VVS Trading (Do It Yourself)
  • Employees: Approx. 90 employees at our 5 addresses in Brøndby, Sønderborg, Aarhus, Kolding and Aalborg
  • Logistics centers: Brøndby & Sønderborg
  • Head office: Brøndby
  • Management:
    • Henrik Lohse, Division Director Ahlsell REF
    • Leon Roy, Divisional Director Ahlsell VVS
    • René Aabenhus, Division Director VVS Trading


More information on Sanistål A/S: https://www.sanistaal.com/da + Sanistål is the value-creating sourcing partner  for industry and construction. Our customers are the foundation of everything we do, and we are constantly striving to become even better. That is why we invest in  understanding  our customers’ business and challenges and in  developing  our relationship with them.

With our customers at the center, we continuously develop  innovative and digital solutions , just as our product range is complete and of high quality. This helps to increase our customers’  profitability  and be  successful .

It must be easy and efficient to trade with Sanistål, so we always have the  strongest team , so our customers are guaranteed the  best solution  – every time. We cherish the  personal relationships as we believe that the  human factor  makes the difference for both the collaboration and the business.

More information Anders K. Bønding (Chairman of the Board of Director, Sanistål A/S): https://www.linkedin.com/in/anders-b%C3%B8nding-a88b94/

More information Claudio Christensen (Administrative Director, Sanistål A/S): https://www.sanistaal.com/da/om-sanistaal/brief-in-english/reports/sanistaal-appoints-claudio-christensen-as-new-ceo + https://www.linkedin.com/in/claudio-christensen-473b691/


More information on Danske Bank: https://danskebank.com/ + For 150 years, Danske Bank has strived to be a driver of growth and development in society. We have developed in tandem with the societies we are part of, and our advisory services, expertise and financial solutions have helped individuals, families, businesses and organisations to realise their ambitions and potential.

With long-term sustainable development as our ambition, we will continue to work every day to be the best possible bank, for the benefit of our customers, employees, shareholders and the societies we are part of.

More information on Carsten Egeriis (CEO, Danske Bank): https://danskebank.com/-/media/danske-bank-com/file-cloud/2017/8/carsten-egeriis—english-cv.pdf?rev=2114eb4e12d1454988f7eddbaebb1502&hash=7D9A6CCBA12A119D2A0B2B3857048B98 + https://www.linkedin.com/in/carsten-egeriis/


More information on Nordea Bank: https://www.nordea.com/en + We strive to be a personal, expert and responsible bank.

We are the largest bank in the Nordics with a 200-year history of supporting and growing the Nordic economies.

Nordea is listed at the stock exchanges in Helsinki, Stockholm and Copenhagen and we have around 500,000 private shareholders.

More information on Frank Vang-Jensen (President & CEO, Nordea Bank): https://www.nordea.com/en/about-us/corporate-governance/frank-vang-jensen + https://www.linkedin.com/in/frank-vang-jensen/


More information on Jyske Bank A/S: https://jyskebank.com/ + nnovation is an integral part of our corporate culture. That is why it says next to our logo: ”Make a difference”.

This means that we try to make a positive difference each and every time our customers are in contact with us, through our advisory services, interior design, behaviour, communication, etc.

In 1982, the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten named Jyske Bank “the catfish in the tank”. The catfish is a different and very active fish, adding oxygen to the water in an oxygen-poor tank.

Being the upstart in the banking sector, Jyske Bank has always been forced to blaze new trails – thus adding to the activity and competition in the sector, to the benefit of bank customers.


  • Banking business in Denmark: Providing financial solutions for private customers and companies
  • Banking business outside Denmark: We have a business oriented branch in Hamburg, and offer investment advisory services to international private banking clients
  • Mortgage loans in Denmark: Jyske Realkredit (formerly BRFkredit)
  • Secondary business: Leasing (Jyske Finans), IT hosting (JN Data)
  • Other activities: Two funds

More information on Anders Dam (CEO, Jyske Bank A/S): https://jyskebank.com/investorrelations/group-executive-board/anders-dam


More information on Nykredit Bank A/S: https://www.nykredit.com/en-gb/ + Nykredit is different. Yes, we are a bank. And a mortgage provider too. But in one important area we are different: We are owned by an association of customers. Being customer-owned, we are in a unique position to give something back to our customers when we are doing well. Together we can simply do more for our customers and for society.

Nykredit is a diverse business: mortgage lender, banker, insurer, estate agent, financial mutual – and much more.

More information on Michael Rasmussen (CEO, Nykredit Bank A/S): https://www.nykredit.com/en-gb/om-os/organisation/eksekutiv-komite_en/ + https://www.linkedin.com/in/michael-rasmussen/